Control Shift Career
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Control your career story. Shift your success.

Control your career story.
Shift your success.

Table Setting

Learn more about our referral program..

Why Us?

Because we are affordable

Don't settle for just any job. Control Shift Career helps you land your dream job with personalized interview prep, resume writing, and LinkedIn profile management.

Feeling overwhelmed by the job search? We'll equip you with the skills and confidence to stand out and get hired. Take control of your career with Control Shift Career.

Our one-size-fits-all approach helps you navigate the job search with ease. Get expert coaching, a resume that gets noticed, and a powerful LinkedIn profile - all tailored to your needs.

From campus to career: We understand the unique challenges faced by students entering the workforce. Our services are tailored to help you transition smoothly and land that first job.

Stand out from the crowd: As a student, you might be facing experienced candidates. We equip you with the interview skills and resume writing techniques to showcase your potential and make a strong impression.


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Leveraging 14 years of industry experience across diverse fields and companies, Control Shift Career empowers students and job seekers with personalized career preparation plans. We currently offer these services conveniently online, allowing you to learn more and spend less. Our focus on affordability ensures that valuable career guidance is accessible to everyone. We look forward to connecting with you – feel free to schedule a virtual consultation to discuss your goals.

Control Shift Career,
Dinesh Complex,
466/7, First Floor,
Mettupalayam Rd,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641020

You can also contact us by phone +91-9600665210, 044218480048 or email